The artists’ advocacy organisation Artists at Risk (AR) has launched an emergency fund to support artists who face threats to their freedom or lives and are unable to reach a country of safety during the coronavirus pandemic: Artists at Risk (AR) Covid-19 Emergency Fund for Persecuted Artists:
Support #ARCovid19EmergencyFund
Twitter: @artistsatrisk
Instagram: @artistsatrisk
The artists’ advocacy organisation Artists at Risk (AR) has launched an emergency fund to support artists who face threats to their freedom or lives and are unable to reach a country of safety during the coronavirus pandemic: Artists at Risk (AR) Covid-19 Emergency Fund for Persecuted Artists:
Support #ARCovid19EmergencyFund
Contact us on any of our social media handles- Twitter: @artistsatrisk, Instagram: @artistsatrisk, Facebook: artistsatrisk

We have already relocated some artists within their countries/regions to safer places, and this is part of AR’s normal, emergency practice. During the current crisis, some of these artists are hoping to stay safe behind locked doors. Others are facing eviction from their homes, as they cannot pay the rent due to the impossibility of earning a living during the pandemic. For reasons like these, the Covid-19 crisis doubles artists’ exposure to risk.
It is these artists that Artists at Risk (AR) tries to help.
We hope you can help us help them!
All the best,
Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky
Co-Founding Directors and Curators
Artists at Risk (AR)
Link to, Campaign: Gofundme AR COVID19 Emergency Fund